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NHS Mental Health Issues

NHS Mental Health Issues


A large portion of the people in our prisons are suffering from mental depression which has caused their criminal problems. These people would be better treated in some of our empty hospitals for their condition,or build some new ones, instead of being treated as criminals; this would also reduce the overcrowding in prison.


While the NHS has been free on delivery, a small charge could be introduced for those who have themselves to blame for their condition, e.g., alcohol and drug misuse. More should be done to prevent people getting into crime, hence less prison sentences.

There should a debate regarding having no private care within the NHS. Pay consultants to stay with the NHS.


Driving Test and Driving

The driving test should be taken over a period of 6 weeks; one driving practical test is not good enough with the volume of traffic on the road today. Motorway driving should also be included.


In the event anyone is guilty of killing while in charge of a vehicle, they should be banned from driving for life.


There should be a debate regarding having no private care within the NHS. We should pay consultants to stay with the NHS.

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